Basic Belay Course
During the basic belay course you will learn all the basics necessary to be an independent indoor climber. The course is spread out over 3 weeks, each lesson takes 2 hours. During the course you will learn basic belay and climbing techniques. The belay techniques only stick when they are repeated often and over a longer period of time. Only then it becomes second nature, which will increase the safety of climbing. To ensure this repetition in new climbers, Bjoeks offers a month of free climbing or 6 free entries with every basic belay course (which start after the course is completed). This will improve the belaying, but also the climbing level of new climbers.
Days and times: The upcoming belaying courses can be found on our website. When your group consists of 4 persons or more, you can decide your own hours with the course coordinator.
Costs: €120,-; the price is including harness, belaying devices and climbing shoes. These items can also be hired free-of-charge during the 6 free entries after the course, with the exclusion of climbing shoes. Call in advance to book a place for the course.